Thank you to everyone who submitted artwork for our new winery wings mural! We had so many “grape” submissions; everyone was unique and beautiful. While we have selected a winner and contacted them privately, we are waiting to announce the winning design until is completely done! In the meantime, we wanted to highlight a few of our other favorite submissions. You are all so talented, thank you for taking the time to partake in our contest:
Above Artist: Andrea Wilkey | |

Above Artist: Sharie M. Boyle | Facebook @Sharie’sStudio | Instagram @SharieBee
Above Artist: Rebecca Bunker | Instagram account @Beccaleighart | Facebook: Rebecca Leigh

Above Artist: Precious Crabtree | Facebook – Precious Crabtree | Instagram- @sweetpcrabreee

Above Artist: Joliza Terry | Instagram @giftofgab225
Keep an eye out for our finished mural soon!