@Thelittleslife; Photography by Kimberly Lyddane
Potomac Point Winery has “spread its wings” with a new wall mural! In mid-April we decided it was time for a change! A beautiful and uplifting mural is just what we needed during the craziness of a pandemic. We had so many stunning submissions of winery themed wings. We hope those artists that submitted wings had an enjoyable time creating them; we know you brightened our day every time we received a new, beautiful piece of artwork.
After reviewing all submissions, we fell in love with a concept from Artist, Francesca Chambers. The vibrancy and detail of Francesca’s winery wings are what first caught our eye! As 2020 has progressed, the butterfly shaped wings began to make even more of an impact on us. Butterflies symbolize personal growth and greater awareness; you cannot embrace the “new you” until you release the old, much like a caterpillar to a butterfly. We hope this artwork is a reminder that something wonderful is about to unfold! With a butterfly mentality (and a glass of wine), we hope you’ll find that you can fly gracefully above the barriers that would otherwise hold you back.

Artist: Francesca Chambers; Photography by Kimberly Lyddane
On the winery side, Francesca included such immense detail! As you can see her winery wings are divided to feature both our red & white wines. She even included the specific cheeses from our current red & white wine cheese trays! We thought it could be super fun to have guests choose #TeamRedWine or #TeamWhiteWine by holding a glass of your favorite wine in your winery wings photo! We are excited to be the first Virginia winery with a beautiful pair of interactive, winery themed wings! Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram and Facebook #winerywings @PotomacPointWinery.
Take a sneak peek below at some shots from Francesca’s 90 hours of painting and our mural release party:
Artist: Francesca Chambers | Instagram @Frans_Paintbrush
Check out the other beautiful mural submissions from our artist call here.